The Shower Did Not Cleanse, Forthcoming Coffin Bell (2022)
Together, We Are Monsters, November, Horror Sleaze Trash (2021)
Professor, Please Tell Me!, November, Horror Sleaze Trash (2021)
Last Moment, October, Club Plum (2021)
Denial Is A Simple Matter of Tuberculosis, October, Nocturne (2021)
Opening Move, Danse Macabre (2021)
The Mask Was Cool To The Touch As, Danse Macabre (2021)
Ascension, Danse Macabre (2021)
The Buddha In Nana District, Anak Astra (2021)
They Have Everything In Nana, Anak Astra (2021)
The Bride of Frankenstein Makes a Sextape, Poetry The Horrorzine (2019)
The Diamond Dead, Poetry, The Horrorzine (2019)
Horror Nerds Be Like …, Poetry, The Horrorzine (2019)
The Witch Burns Bright, Poetry, Eunoia Review (2019)
One Week Before His Death, Poetry, Stonecoast Review (2017)
You’re a Good Phone, Poetry, Stonecoast Review (2017)
I Can’t Break Up With a Mermaid, Silver Blade (2017)
Captain Volta, Poetry, Abyss & Apex (2016)
Eve’s Cheeseburger, Poetry, Stirring: A Literary Magazine (2015)
Obvious Truths, Poetry, Imitation & Illusion (2014)
The Urban Legend of The Video Nasty, Poetry, Burning Word (2013)
The Fourth Horseman, Nonfiction, Burning Word (2002)
Mafia Voodoo, Poetry, The Dulcimer (2001)
Valentino’s Moonlight, Poetry, The Dulcimer (1999)
The Lunch Line, Poetry, The Dulcimer (1999)
The Marriage Chamber, Poetry, Stirring (1998)
ROFLMAO, Nonfiction, The Dulcimer (1998)
Standing Under The Anchorage Evergreen, Poetry, Stirring (1998)